Monday, August 4, 2014

Farmer's Markets

Farmer’s markets are a great and eco-friendly way to spend a Saturday morning. The sights, sounds, and fresh produce pull people together to connect the community and build relationships. In addition to the community outreach, there are so many incentives to checking out your local market, including: cheaper organic foods, freshness with better taste, no reading labels, and the money you spend will go back into your community.

When it comes to supporting your community, one of the best ways, and personally, probably the most enjoyable, is checking out the farmer’s market. Nothing beats the experience of exploring your local market and listening to the various musicians intermixed within the booths.

At some farmer’s markets, animal shelters are looking to provide good homes for animals and, in some cases, offer the option of fostering a pet for a night or two. This is a wonderful experience for everyone involved and gives people who would like a pet the chance of having one without the long term commitment.

So how to do you make the most out of your experience when heading to the farmer’s market?

  • Rise early. The best selection and freshest produce is when the market first opens (plus it’s a lot cooler). Also, parking is easier to find when you hit the farmer’s market in the morning.
  • Explore. Regulars to the market recommend taking time to tour the market first, before making any purchase. This gives you a chance to find which booths offer the best deals and gives you a chance to plan your course of action.
  • Go green. Bring your own canvas bags or basket to carry your purchases and help the environment. If you’re planning on being there for a while, consider putting a cooler in your car to keep your items fresh while you continue to shop.
  • Ask.  If you aren't sure what something is, or how to cook it, just ask the vendor. Farmers know their crops and will have a lot of great information for you. Plus, this is a great place to try something new.
  • Comfort. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes because you’ll probably end up doing a lot of walking around. It’s also important to dress appropriately for the weather and be prepared for anything.
  • Research. Do your research to understand what’s in season. Talk to the farmers to find out what crops are coming out so you can plan accordingly. Also, some vendors accept EBT food stamps or some kind of coupons to help low-income women and seniors.

Want to know if a Farmer's Market is in your area? Check here. What is something you love about the farmer’s market?

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