Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bring Out Your Inner Writer

CC BY-SA 3.0  Author: Antonia Litterio
Having a hobby is important. Not only is it a great way to destress, find enjoyment, and take your mind off things, but it is a great way to add some “play time” into your busy schedule.

For me, making time in my busy day to write brings me joy and allows me to be creative. If you are like me and writing it a part of your life you would like to start, improve or just make more time for, then I recommend you visit the Community Writing Center.

It is here you can connect with other writers and mentors, learn how to improve your writing and have professionals critique your work. Also, don’t the November Writing Month Challenge is coming up in a few months! This is a fun challenge to get your creative juices flowing, write your novel, and reach your writing goals.

Share your thoughts. What are some of your hobbies?

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