Monday, July 21, 2014

You've Pulled Out Your Hair, Now What?

Have you ever had one of those days where it is super stressful? Those days you are pulling out your hair and counting down the hours until the day ends? Check out some these simple strategies to help you destress and find your inner peace.

Take a 10 minute walk. Clear your mind by walking in a park or another green space, where you can meditate, clear your mind, and reflect.

Breathe deeply. I cannot tell you how much this simple technique has helped me so many times. We have a bad habit of taking short breaths that once you consciously take a moment to focus on your breath, it is amazing how much it can help you calm down.

Plan ahead. I guarantee you, all those successful people out there are working off lists. It is amazing how much a list with all your to-dos on it can help you keep up and stay ahead of your work load. Not to mention it feels really good when you start crossing them off. Brian Tracy, motivational speaker and author, recommends making your list of things to do the night before. That way you waste less time in morning trying to put the list together and have more time to be productive.

Step away from the computer screen. I’d even suggest leaving the phone behind while you take your short walk, but it is amazing how much more refreshed you feel when you take a moment to shut down. It is also recommended that you unplug from everything 1 hour before bed.

What are some things you do to destress and unwind? Let us know what has worked best for you in the past.

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