Saturday, June 28, 2014

Attract Birds to Your Yard This Summer

Image Credit: Wild Bird Center

For as long as I can remember, waking up to the sounds of wild birds has been part of my morning ritual. There is something fun about putting food outside for them and watching them gather to eat...especially the blue jays! Put out a bunch of peanuts and they will be snatching them up quickly.

When you are first getting ready to attract birds to your yard, it is important to know what types of bird food will attract what bird. One of my favorite places to go is the Wild About Birds in Layton. They are so knowledgeable when it comes to birds and, if you are interested in seeing birds in their natural habitats, hold bird walks.

Make your yard hospitable by hanging nesting boxes in a sheltered area that doesn't get too much sun. You can also plant different shrubs and hedges are another great way to attract birds to your yard. They are great because they offer birds a place to nest, secure places to sleep, and shelter from the wind and other elements.

What kinds of birds do you have in your backyard?

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