Thursday, May 1, 2014

Are You Saving for Retirement?

For as long as I can remember, the importance of saving for retirement has been with me. The value of putting some money away, investing in mutual funds, trying to save 20% of what I've earned, along with all the good money saving tips I have tried to make habits have stuck with me. Talking with some friends the other night, it surprised how many people are not planning for retirement.

Image found at Roth IRA 
If you are fortunate to work for an employer who offers a 401(k) plan, get enrolled now ~ if you are not already. So many people let this great opportunity to build their retirement up, there are so many who do not have this option. It is becoming all too common to hear about companies who do not offer any retirement plan to their employees which means they need to establish the good habits of saving for retirement without the company 401(k) plan.

When planing for your retirement and setting your money goals, it important to ask yourself: What do I need to do to achieve my retirement goals? If you are not sure, talk to your financial adviser and if you don’t have one start asking around, who does your friends and family use? No help there? Check out Dave Ramsey’s Endorsed Local Providers to find someone who you trust. Some things to remember when looking for a good financial provider is to find someone who will explain the complex issues in a way you can understand.

What are the things you wish you had started doing when you were younger? What are some of your money saving tips you use? 

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