Monday, March 17, 2014

Why Now is the Best Time to Buy Your Dream Home

Things have never looked better in the housing market. With the prices, mortgage rates and soaring rents, there has never been a better time to buy a home than right now. Why is now the best time? Experts offer these 5 major reasons on why you should act now:
  1. Competition is about to increase 

  2. Price Increases are on the Horizon

  3. Owning a Home Helps Create Family Wealth ~ The Federal Reserve has reported the net worth of the average homeowner is 30 times greater than that of a renter.

  4. Interest Rates are Projected to Rise 

  5. Buy Low, Sell High ~ think of the investment by buying a bank owned home, fixing it up, and selling it at a profit.

Share your thoughts. What is holding you back from making buying a home?

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