Thursday, February 6, 2014

Time Management ~ Setting Your Priorities

Image by mangee
Do you ever sit down to complete a task only to find the hours have passed and you have accomplished nothing? Is procrastination your best friend? It is easy to get distracted with getting things done especially when you haven’t mapped out all the tasks you need to finish. Time management is one of the greatest skills you can develop to organize your priorities and complete the most important tasks.

Start by creating a daily plan of all the jobs you need to work on (and complete) the night before. This gives you time to make sure you have the necessary information (phone numbers, notes, etc.) already to go so you don’t waste time searching for them.

For more time management tips and tricks, check out Eat That Frog (Tracy) and The 4 Hour Work Week (Ferriss).  I’ve found these books to be helpful and interesting.

What are some of your time management techniques?

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